Hauke Siewertsen is a qualified cellist (artistic diploma, HfM Weimar) and has multiple qualifications in psychology and movement science: degrees in applied sports psychology (M.A.), sports science (B.A.), psychology (B.Sc.) are complemented by numerous training courses, e.g. in Alexander Technique & musician coaching (Institut Mitte, Berlin).
At the Institute for Music Physiology and Musicians‘ Medicine at HMTM Hannover(https://www.immm.hmtm-hannover.de/de/start/), he heads the Physio- and Psychoprophylaxis department and teaches various courses in the fields of musician psychology, sensorimotor skills and movement. He is also working on his doctorate at the Center for Systemic Neuroscience in Hanover on the topic of Focus of attention and performance anxiety in musicians. At the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück in the Department of Physiotherapy, he works as a research assistant with a focus on psychology in a project on the health of musicians (https://www.hs-osnabrueck.de/pahlifetimeai/).
He also works as a lecturer for mental training at the Weimar University of Music and supervises the academy members of the NDR Radiophilharmonie from a musician psychology perspective. In addition, he regularly conducts courses, workshops and lectures on music psychology topics both in Germany and internationally, including at renowned institutions such as the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and the NDR Radiophilharmonie Hannover.
Hauke Siewertsen lives in Hanover and works there individually with professional musicians and music students.